Live Streaming & Camera Options for Indie Creators - Indepreneur | Music Marketing That Works

GROUND REPORTS: Live Streaming & Camera Options for Indie Creators

Published on May 27th, 2020

ON THIS EDITION OF GROUND REPORTS: Live Streaming & Camera Options for Indie Creators

Live streaming and solo videography has absolutely exploded as a consequence of the global pandemic. It seems as if entertainers and civilians alike have all made a door rush for live streaming and vlogging solutions as a means of commerce, contact, and communication. So, it is a fitting time to touch back on the recommendations in our Content Blitz Blueprint training and fill in some gaps, deliver some updates, and answer some questions!

Join Circa as he covers some finer points of live streaming and videography, the technology choices and costs involved, and how to stand out in an oversatured landscape. Also feel free to ask any questions related to live streaming and videography and Circa will answer them live!
