Episode 23: How Making Small Changes To The Way You Think Results In Dramatic Changes To Your Life

Music Marketing, Indeprenuer, Indepreneur podcast, Creative Juice Podcast, Music Business, Music Success, Direct Response Marketing for musicians, leverage for musicians

Do you ever find yourself at the end of the day, wondering what the hell you spent all your time on? Wondering why you're not where you want to be - financially, or in your career?

Results are cumulative - built over time through the repetition of specific actions - and willpower alone is not enough to make them happen.  It's all about putting yourself into an environment - in the world around you, and in your own internal experience - that makes every possible decision point in the trajectory of the results you desire for yourself and your music. 

That's why in this episode of Creative Juice, we're diving into the concept of Leverage: from identifying your highest leverage activities (the "little hinges that swing big doors") in order to get maximum results in the least amount of time, to leveraging your own psychology to become a better musician and entrepreneur.


  • A powerful psychological principle that you can use to change your habits
  • info-circle
    The reason why most people are "anti-entrepreneur"
  • The crucial difference between "Decisions" and "Choices"
  • What will make or break your ability to achieve your goals
  • The "Law of Progress" that determines how quickly you can achieve results