Episode 36: 7 Indie Musician Success Secrets (1-on-1 Breakthroughs)

indie musician success secrets 1-on-1 coaching

What does Indie Musician success look like? How does it happen? We have been working for the past two months turning 6 Independent Musicians into small business Founders through our IndieFounder program. What we've learned in that time is absolutely priceless...

Indepreneur Co-Founders Kyle "Circa" Lemaire and Corrin Campbell break down the most profitable lessons learned from working one-on-one with Indies in 2017 through our IndieFounder coaching program. Study this episode, it can drastically improve the effectiveness of your music marketing efforts!

Get the play-by-play, in-depth success secrets learned from working in-the-trenches with real Indies. Save hours, effort, and investment by cutting out what doesn't work and going straight for the results!


  • The difference between the best and worst performing videos
  • info-circle
    How to replace most of your software subscriptions
  • MAYDAY: How to deal with unwanted CTA buttons on videos
  • Becoming a Music Marketing Jedi (The Buddy System)
  • What NOT to do when you get a working Fan Finder campaign
  • Why an Album Launch is our #1 way to start a music business
  • How to optimize your fulfillment process for maximum ROI
  • PLUS:  Small tweaks to turn your video performance around