Tag Archives for " music marketing "

If I’m so fearless, then why am I afraid to shoot music videos? | The Grounds

Hi, Jesse here. This is my debut episode on The Grounds, and I figured I’d use it to get you up to speed on the (very ugly) early days of my music project Basic Printer. Throughout it all, I’ve never wanted to compromise my sound and vision…no matter how much healthy criticism I could have used at the time! Despite being pretty rough around the edges, that fearless energy fueled my desire to also spread the word about my music…and it turns out, I’ve been doing it all this while, whether I realized it or not.

It’s been a long road, but I’m now in a place where my weird music project is both palatable and nearly profitable. See to what extent that is on today’s episode of The Grounds!

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Don’t Burn Out Like I Did! Automate Your Music Career!

February 2021 I burned out HARD on my music and marketing goals. I could barely get myself out of bed, let alone make new content and come up with ways of engaging my fanbase! Here is how I maintained fanbase growth, engagement, and even made some sales with INCREDIBLY minimal effort, a good amount of automation… While I recovered from burnout!

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The Spotify Ad Method That’s BLOWING UP My Music Fan Base!

In this case study you’ll see how our Spotify music marketing strategies have pivoted and changed over the last two years, resulting in even more success for independent music marketing. Explore a case study update on SOMEKIDPUNK, a new music project with absolutely no existing fan base prior to starting our marketing efforts. You can use these same strategies to grow your fan base, too. In a constantly changing and evolving music landscape, your marketing advice should probably evolve with it, right? Learn the framework to use smart promo to grow your Spotify! Find new listeners, followers, and fans using this promo strategy!

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How To Learn Music Marketing WITHOUT Losing Your Sanity!

Diving into learning digital marketing can feel like learning a new language! Learning new skills, learning new phrases and terminology…it can leave you feeling overwhelmed at best, and burnt out at worst. In this video, Graci covers the top things you need to remember to keep your mindset right as you learn these new skills and expand your marketing prowess! So when you start to hit a wall, or start feeling overwhelmed….remember your music marketing mindset playbook! You’ve got this!

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The Ultimate Guide To Music Marketing

In this article, I’m going to give you a massive shortcut to building a REAL fanbase with a proper marketing approach…

Whether you’re a rapper, a country artist, a singer, or a rock band – this plan can work for you. In fact, I’m willing to bet it will make a lot more sense than anything you’ve encountered so far…

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