EP82: Welcome To The Longform Content Revolution

The average podcast listener streams conversations for 6.5 hours - every single week. Podcasting has taken the entire world by storm and is now responsible for as much media consumption time as YouTube and Instagram combined...

In this episode of Creative Juice, Circa and Corrin discuss the Longform Content Revolution. Independent artists are poised to take massive advantage from the leverage that longform content provides - and you can get started today!

Learn why so many people are willing to listen to so many podcasts, and how the trend is impacting society as a whole. Then, stake your claim and ride the wave of this international phenomenon...


  • How one Indie sold out a 500-cap venue in London with digital
  • Why Podcasting is becoming the #1 form of media worldwide
  • How Indies can benefit from creating a podcast
  • Why your life is interesting enough to be the subject
  • PLUS: How Creative Juice first started (hint: poorly)