EP93: The Ultimate Guide to Copywriting for Artists

You've worked hard to write great music and lyrics. But, you assume that writing paragraphs of marketing copy to your fans requires a different set of skills - copywriting seems like a boring or difficult subject. We get it!

Here's the good news: as an artist, you are nearly guaranteed to have great copywriting potential. When you started writing or playing music, you probably had to follow a formula (like covering a song) to pick it up. Well, the same is true for copywriting.

In this episode, you'll learn a set of formulas you can follow to begin playing around with copywriting. Soon enough, you'll be expressing yourself and using your creativity to communicate more effectively!


  • Put yourself in place, understand your audience avatar
  • Get them to stop and read
  • Earn their trust and bring down their walls
  • Explain the value of your offer
  • Overcome objections (if necessary)
  • Call them to action