Alice Mayshe Rowan of Mayshe-Mayshe


Alice Mayshe Rowan (Mayshe-Mayshe)


  • The Buddy System
  • Ones & Zeros 101
  • Email Marketing for Musicians
  • FREE + S&H Funnel Strategy

Do you have one or more successful permission campaigns that you run/have run to generate new subscribers to your email and/or text list?

Tell us about your Permission strategy and how you deliver it to fans:
I'm mostly using a Free + Shipping & Handling campaign to build my list! I've only done 6 weeks so far of active list-building, so feel like I might be jumping in a bit early here with this nomination, BUT I feel like it's going really well (and it's so cool how well this works) so thought I'd throw my hat in the ring 🙂

I use paid traffic on Facebook & Instagram to send people to my F+S&H sales page, and then my add has also been shared by people (109 shares in 6 weeks), so there's a bit of organic in there too.

Campaign metrics:
- 1000+ new subscribers in 6 weeks
- 710 F+SH sales in 6 weeks (+another 35 sales on my store)
- £30-40 per day ad budget on main ad, with a £2.60 cost per sale
- £40 per day ad budget on my new ad to target just women, with a £5.87 cost per sale
- £2,005 total spend on ad budget over 6 weeks, which works out as £2 per lead
- Breaking even on F+SH campaign, resulting in 1000+ new subscribers at no cost

My bribe is a classic F+S&H offer: my album on CD for free, with another CD as a bump and the first album on vinyl as the upsell. Because I'm in the UK, I have to get people to CLICK THE OPT IN BUTTON which I do with this copy:

"YES PLEASE, I want Mayshe-Mayshe to send me exclusive songs, stories, updates & offers that are not released to the general public."

Most people opt in on the F+S&H sales page. But those who don't, I try to capture by adding a note to their order confirmation email:

PS: Just so you know - you've opted out from hearing more from me, so this is the last email you'll get from me. If you decide that you do want to hear more from me (I share music clips & demos, stories and offers with my email pals that no one else gets access to), you can sign up here.

My main bribe (the free CD) is enticing because:
- It's pretty much free
- It's really nice! If I do say so myself 🙂
- It comes with extra freebies: a lyric poster & a sticker
- It's all designed by me - I think people are responding well to this offer because of how super personal my whole product is

Describe your growth with your permission list(s) in the last 12 months and your engagement trends:
I haven't been actively growing my list for 12 months! I started in September, and I've added 1005 subscribers to my list (including 730 new customers). I've run my campaign in two 3-week blocks so far, because it totally takes over aaaaall my time when I'm running it (responding to messages & fulfilling orders).

Engagement has been good. In 6 weeks of running the campaign I've had about 340 comments on my ads & 350 emails from new subscribers.

I'm taking a break from running the campaign now while I work on recording my new album, but I'm planning another big push in Jan/Feb, to get my list up to 2000 subscribers before launching my new album 🙂

Lastly, please tell us why you think you should be a finalist for the Builder Award:
Alright! Soooo I've already said I'm aware that I might be jumping in early for this award, because I've only been working on building my permission list since September. BUT I am honestly super proud of what I've achieved in that time. These are things I'm real proud of:

- Growing my email list by 1000+ subscribers in 6 weeks of actively running a campaign
- Adding 710 new customers to my email list in 6 weeks between Sep-Nov
- Breaking even! I did it for free! (And I've started making a bit of profit from follow up sales too)
- I've achieved a super low Cost Per Sale on my main ad (£2.60 per sale)
- My landing page for my F+SH is super sweet 🙂
- My nurture sequence & follow up emails to first time customers is great. I get lots of replies from people, people tell me how much they appreciate the content I send them & people get in touch to tell me that my customer service & follow up is next to none.
- I've overcome my really quite intense anxiety about advertising and putting myself out there to achieve all this (by which I mean that I still feel the anxiety but am doing it anyway, and learning how to manage the anxiety, and the more I do it, the less anxious I feel) (This is quite an uncool thing to put on an award nomination, but I also bet loads of indies feel the same! So being upfront about this!)