Alice Di Micele
Merch Maniac
Alice Di Micele
- The Buddy System
- Run A Successful Crowdfund
- Selling Tickets for Live Shows
- The $1-A-Day Traffic Plan
- How To Get New Fans Daily (Fan Finder)
- Fan Page Optimization
- Make Merch That Fans Want
- FREE + S&H Funnel Strategy
- How To Profit From A Launch Campaign
- Spotify Field Guide
Please give us a brief overview of your merchandise strategy and offerings over the last 12 months:
I released an album to the public. Also made and sold tshirts online and on tour. I created and released a sampler album for my FSH and have had multiple sales throughout the year. I have multiple funnels going including a FSH. at the moment i have 3 sales going to different parts of my list.
Please describe your best selling merchandise and your most unique/creative merchandise:
I have tshirts at the moment but i just off tour and i'm actually sick so i haven't inventoried them to get them back on the website. I love the Aprons the most of all my merch. I am out of stock of aprons and totes right now. I have hats, tshirts, CDs, vinyl, cassette tapes, posters, songbooks for 3 of my albums, and of course digital downloads and digital songbooks. I've also had water bottles that people love but i'm out of stock of those too.
Describe your fulfillment process for merchandise orders:
Mostly i do my own fulfillment but when on tour i had my neighbor fill orders and she did a great job.
Please describe your best strategic merch offer to your fans over the last 12 months:
I think the best merch offer I've done has been the fsh offer as far as volume. but the i've sold a ton of merch between online and on tour so i'm really not sure what to say is the best. i also have 3 offers going to my different parts of my list at the moment.
Lastly, please tell us why you think you should be a finalist for the Merch Maniac Award:
I sold alot this year. I have 2 order bumps and 2 upsells on every funnel and i'm amazed at how many people take it all or at least one or two extras. I've been working my butt off all year and i'm happy with what i've accomplished. please email me if its ok to send the photos of merch etc later. just got off tour and got a wicked cold/flu and can't deal with going to my office.