Merch Maniac Award
Learn more about the Foundations Award and our 2024 nominees!
The Foundations Award celebrates indies with a strong Introduction and Education phase of their music business.
The Introduction Stage includes marketing campaigns and strategies that generate the most new attention. In this stage, Indies use marketing to show their content and music to as many new potential fans as possible and create "first touches" with a broad audience.
Campaigns and assets in this stage include:
- Understanding and execution of top-of-funnel (attention-generating) campaigns
- Consistent, quality top-of-funnel content
- Frequent music releases
The Education Stage is the moment where a fan starts to learn more about your music through content consumption. Fans begin to literally “educate” themselves further on who you are as an artist. They start to take interest in your story, your motivations, and more of your output. The name of this phase is fairly literal - fans are educating themselves on who you are.
Campaigns and assets in this stage include:
- Consistent recurring content
- Solid branding across social media
- Great organic social media strategy